11. Futhark Compared to Other Functional Languages¶
This guide is intended for programmers who are familiar with other functional languages and want to start working with Futhark.
Futhark is a simple language with a complex compiler. Functional programming is fundamentally well suited to data parallelism, so Futhark’s syntax and underlying concepts are taken directly from established functional languages such as Haskell and the ML family. While Futhark does add a few small conveniences (built-in array types) and one complicated and unusual feature (in-place updates via uniqueness types, see In-place Updates), a programmer familiar with a common functional language should be able to understand the meaning of a Futhark program and quickly begin writing their own programs. To speed up this process, we describe here some of the various quirks and unexpected limitations imposed by Futhark. We also recommended reading some of the example programs along with this guide. The guide does not cover all Futhark features worth knowing, so do also skim Language Reference and the Glossary.
11.1. Basic Syntax¶
Futhark uses a keyword-based structure, with optional indentation solely for human readability. This aspect differs from Haskell and F#.
Names are lexically divided into identifiers and symbols:
Identifiers begin with a letter or underscore and contain letters, numbers, underscores, and apostrophes.
Symbols contain the characters found in the default operators (
All function and variable names must be identifiers, and all infix operators are symbols. An identifier can be used as an infix operator by enclosing it in backticks, as in Haskell.
Identifiers are case-sensitive, and there is no restriction on the case of the first letter (unlike Haskell and OCaml, but like Standard ML and Flix).
User-defined operators are possible, but the fixity of the operator
depends on its name. Specifically, the fixity of a user-defined
operator op is equal to the fixity of the built-in operator that is
the longest prefix of op. For example, <<=
would have the
same fixity as <<
, and =<<
the same as =
. This rule is the
same as the rule found in OCaml and F#.
Top-level functions and values are defined with def
as in Flix.
Local variables are bound with let
11.2. Evaluation¶
Futhark is a completely pure language, with no cheating through monads, effect systems, or anything of the sort.
Evaluation is eager or call-by-value, like most non-Haskell languages. However, there is no defined evaluation order. Furthermore, the Futhark compiler is permitted to turn non-terminating programs into terminating programs, for example by removing dead code that might cause an error. Moreover, there is no way to handle errors within a Futhark program (no exceptions or similar); although errors are gracefully reported to whatever invokes the Futhark program.
The evaluation semantics are entirely sequential, with parallelism
being solely an operational detail. Hence, race conditions are
impossible. The Futhark compiler does not automatically go looking for
parallelism. Only certain special constructs and built-in library
functions (such as map
, reduce
, scan
, and filter
) may
be executed in parallel.
Currying and partial application work as usual (although functions are
not fully first class; see Types). Although the assert
construct looks like a function, it is not, and it cannot be partially
Lambda terms are written as \x -> x + 2
, as in Haskell.
A Futhark program is read top-down, and all functions must be declared
in the order they are used, like Standard ML. Unlike just
about all functional languages, recursive functions are not
supported. Most of the time, you will use bulk array operations
instead, but there is also a dedicated loop
language construct,
which is essentially syntactic sugar for tail recursive functions.
11.3. Types¶
Futhark supports a range of integer types, floating point types, and
booleans (see Primitive Types and Values). A numeric literal can be suffixed
with its desired type, such as 1i8
for an eight-bit signed
integer. Un-adorned numerals have their type inferred based on use.
This only works for built-in numeric types.
Arrays are a built-in type. The type of an array containing elements
of type t
is written []t
(not [t]
as in Haskell), and we
may optionally annotate it with a size as [n]t
(see Shape
Declarations). Array values are written as [1,2,3]
. Array
indexing is written a[i]
with no space allowed between the array
name and the brace. Indexing of multi-dimensional arrays is written
. Arrays are 0-indexed.
All types can be combined in tuples as usual, as well as in structurally typed records, as in Standard ML and Flix. Non-recursive sum types are supported, and are also structurally typed. Abstract types are possible via the module system; see Modules.
If a variable foo
is a record of type {a: i32, b: bool}
, then
we access field a
with dot notation: foo.a
. Tuples are a
special case of records, where all the fields have a 0-indexed numeric
label. For example, (i32, bool)
is the same as {0: i32, 1:
, and can be indexed as foo.1
Sum types are defined as constructors separated by a vertical bar
). Constructor names always start with a #
. For example,
#red | #blue i32
is a sum type with the constructors #red
, where the latter has an i32
as payload. The terms
and #blue 2
produce values of this type. Constructor
applications must always be fully saturated. Due to the structural
type system, type annotations are sometimes necessary to resolve
ambiguities. For example, the term #blue 2
can produce a value of
any type that has an appropriate constructor.
Function types are written with the usual a -> b
notation, and
functions can be passed as arguments to other functions. However,
there are some restrictions:
A function cannot be put in an array (but a record or tuple is fine).
A function cannot be returned from a branch.
A function cannot be used as a
Function types interact with type parameters in a subtle way:
def id 't (x: t) = x
This declaration defines a function id
that has a type parameter
. Here, t
is an unlifted type parameter, which is
guaranteed never to be a function type, and so in the body of the
function we could choose to put parameter values of type t
in an
array. However, it means that this identity function cannot be called
on a functional value. Instead, we probably want a lifted type
def id '^t (x: t) = x
Such lifted type parameters are not restricted from being instantiated with function types. On the other hand, in the function definition they are subject to the same restrictions as functional types.
Futhark supports Hindley-Milner type inference (with some restrictions), so we could also just write it as:
def id x = x
Type abbreviations are possible:
type foo = (i32, i32)
Type parameters are supported as well:
type pair 'a 'b = (a, b)
As with everything else, they are structurally typed, so the types
pair i32 bool
and (i32, bool)
are entirely interchangeable.
Most unusually, this is also the case for sum types. The following
two types are entirely interchangeable:
type maybe 'a = #just a | #nothing
type option 'a = #nothing | #just a
Only for abstract types, where the definition has been hidden via the module system, do type names have any significance.
Size parameters can also be passed:
type vector [n] t = [n]t
type i32matrix [n][m] = [n] (vector [m] i32)
Note that for an actual array type, the dimensions come before the element type, but with a type abbreviation, a size is just another parameter. This easily becomes hard to read if you are not careful.