

futhark python [-V] [-o outfile] infile


futhark python translates a Futhark program to sequential Python code.

The resulting program will read the arguments to the main function from standard input and print its return value on standard output. The arguments are read and printed in Futhark syntax, just like futharki(1).

The generated code is very slow, likely too slow to be useful. It is more interesting to use this command’s big brother, futhark pyopencl.


-o outfile Where to write the resulting binary. By default, if the source program is named ‘foo.fut’, the binary will be named ‘foo’.
-v verbose Enable debugging output. If compilation fails due to a compiler error, the result of the last successful compiler step will be printed to standard error.
--library Instead of compiling to an executable program, generate a Python module that can be imported by other Python code. The module will contain a class of the same name as the Futhark source file with .fut removed. Objects of the class define one method per entry point in the Futhark program, with matching parameters and return value.
--Werror Treat warnings as errors.
--safe Ignore unsafe in program and perform safety checks unconditionally.
-h Print help text to standard output and exit.
-V Print version information on standard output and exit.

