

futhark-dataset options…


Generate random values in Futhark syntax, which can be useful when generating input datasets for program testing. All Futhark primitive types are supported. Tuples are not supported. Arrays of specific (non-random) sizes can be generated. You can specify maximum and minimum bounds for values, as well as the random seed used when generating the data. The generated values are written to standard output.

If no -g/--generate options are passed, values are read from standard input, and printed to standard output in the indicated format. The input format (whether textual or binary) is automatically detected.


-g type, --generate type
 Generate a value of the indicated type, e.g. -g i32 or -g [10]f32.
-s int Set the seed used for the RNG. Zero by default.
 Set inclusive lower and upper bounds on generated values of type T. T is any primitive type, e.g. i32 or f32. The bounds apply to any following uses of the -g option.

You can alter the output format using the following flags. To use them, add them before data generation (–generate):

--text Output data in text format (must precede –generate). Default.
-b, --binary Output data in binary Futhark format (must precede –generate).
-t, --type Output the types of values (textually) instead of the values themselves. Mostly useful when reading values on stdin.


Generate a 4 by 2 integer matrix:

futhark-dataset -g [4][2]i32

Generate an array of floating-point numbers and an array of indices into that array:

futhark-dataset -g [10]f32 --i32-bounds=0:9 -g [100]i32

To generate binary data, the --binary must come before the --generate:

futhark-dataset --binary --generate=[42]i32

Create a binary data file from a data file:

futhark-dataset --binary < any_data > binary_data

Determine the types of values contained in a data file:

futhark-dataset -t < any_data


futhark-test(1), futhark-bench(1)